50 places offered for the new exhibition
A major figure on the contemporary art scene, American sculptor Charles Ray (b. 1953) opens the cultural programme of 2022 , with an exhibition running until the spring. In collaboration with the artist, the Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection devotes an ambitious exhibition to the sculptor that opens on 16 February 2022.
This carte blanche to the artist, the first of its kind in France and Europe in terms of its scale, is shared with the Centre Pompidou: two exhibitions are jointly presented, one in each museum, located a stone’s throw from each other.
The corpus of Charles Ray’s work consists of some one hundred sculptures and bas-reliefs, and over a third of his sculpted work can be seen in Paris for the first time, with approximately twenty works at the Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection, and the equivalent at the Centre Pompidou.

The code “GALERIES” is used for the 50 places offered. In concrete terms, this code entitles you to an Exhibition ticket at the date and time of your choice from February 16 to June 6, 2022.
To benefit from it, simply log on to billetterie.pinaultcollection.com then click on exhibition ticket and enter the GALERIES code in the “Promotional code” box on the right of your screen.
You can also access to the promotion directly by clicking here
For more information on the Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection, we invite you to visit their website et discover their YouTube channel.