Galeries Lafayette cares about protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy.

This policy aims to inform you of practices concerning the collection, processing and sharing of data that you provide in-store and/or via our e-commerce websites.

Galeries Lafayette is understood to mean the company 44 Galeries Lafayette – 44 GL, with registered office at 44-48 rue de Châteaudun – 75009 Paris, as well as all companies operating stores or e-commerce sites under the Galeries Lafayette brand, subsidiaries or affiliates of the company 44 Galeries Lafayette – 44 GL (hereinafter “Galeries Lafayette”).


We consider your personal data to be confidential and we give it special attention.

Personal data means any data that can be used, directly or indirectly, to identify you, in particular your name, sex, age, postal address, telephone number, email address, IP address, as well as any other data that you communicate directly, particularly via our website, or generated by your browser or any contact we may have with you, whether in-store or via our customer services department.

In accordance with our legal and regulatory obligations, we collect, use, share and store this information under highly secure conditions for a limited length of time, proportional to the purpose for which you communicated it to us.



You trust us to process your data and we are obliged to be transparent about the ways in which we collect it.

We collect the data you provide when you use our services in-store and/or online, in particular when you:

– Browse and visit our websites;

– Create a customer account;

– Join our loyalty scheme;

– Present your loyalty card;

– Apply for a Cofinoga credit card;

– Add products to your shopping basket;

– Place an order or request a return on our websites;

– Subscribe to the Galeries Lafayette / BHV newsletter or alerts;

– Contact customer services;

– Use WiFi in our stores;

– Ask or answer a question on the community chat;

– Take part in a game or competition;

– Complete a data collection form, such as a questionnaire or survey. 

Under no circumstances do we collect the email addresses of visitors automatically, without the latter having deliberately provided them to us. In the event that certain sections of the site are aimed at children aged under 15 and the latter have the opportunity to provide their personal data to us (for example by signing up for a game or competition), we ask them to seek parental permission before doing so.

Furthermore, some of the information requested on orders and forms is compulsory and is marked with an asterisk. This must be collected in order to process your order. As a result, if you fail to give a response we will be unable to process your order.


The entity responsible for processing data is 44 Galeries Lafayette – 44 GL, parent company of the Department Store division, acting both on its own behalf and on behalf of its sales subsidiaries operating under the Galeries Lafayette brand (Magasins Galeries Lafayette, Galeries Lafayette Haussmann, Galeries Lafayette Voyage, Restauration Galeries Lafayette, Galeries Lafayette Outlet), as well as affiliated companies operating stores under the Galeries Lafayette brand and participating in the Galeries Lafayette loyalty scheme.

The personal data collected enables us to manage and process your orders and get to know you better in order to send you targeted offers, thus offering a more personal service.

We use your personal data for the purposes for which you supplied it, which are founded on one or several of the following legal bases:

– In order to provide services to you;

– Your consent;

– Our legitimate interests;

– A legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligation.

The table below details the data that we are able to collect and the way in which we use it, as well as the intended purpose and legitimate interests.

Personal data


Objective/ legitimate interest;

First name / Surname

– To identify you

– To provide the product or service to an eligible person (loyalty scheme, personal shopper, order).

– To improve our services and your customer experience

– To personalise our communication

Postal address

– To ship and deliver your orders

– To contact you

– To execute a contract

– To communicate with you

Email address

– To identify you

– To contact you

– To send you special offers

– To identify you

– To keep you informed

– To send you adverts if you have consented to this

– To execute a contract

Telephone number

– To contact you

– To execute a contract

– To improve your customer experience

Date of birth / Age

– To ascertain whether you are a legal minor/adult.

– To get to know you better

– To improve your customer experience

– To implement a legal obligation (minors)


– To identify you

– To get to know you

– To improve your customer experience

Preferences communicated to the personal shopper

– To get to know you better

– To offer you personalised special offers and benefits

– To execute a contract

– To improve our services and your customer experience

Payment details

– To safely record your payments

– To process refunds

– To execute a contract

– To detect fraudulent activity, abuse and security threats

Purchase details

– To make personalised product recommendations

– To manage your orders

– To give you loyalty points

– To execute a contract

– To improve our services and your customer experience

Contact history

– To keep a record of the relationship

– To execute a contract

– To improve our services and your customer experience

Connection details

– To keep a record of the relationship

– To confirm orders

– To execute a contract

– To improve our services and your customer experience


– To ensure the security of your connection

– To execute a contract

– To prevent abuse and security threats


Your personal data, collected in stores belonging to the Galeries Lafayette brand and/or through our sites, can be transmitted to third parties subject to the limitations established by the applicable legal provisions and in accordance with this policy.

Third parties are defined as all companies other than the company 44 Galeries Lafayette – 44 GL, responsible for processing your personal data or subsidiaries or affiliated companies operating stores under the Galeries Lafayette brand for won whose behalf the company acts (hereinafter “Third Parties”).

These Third Parties are:


In order to get to know our customers better and offer you relevant special offers, your personal data may be transmitted to other entities within the Galeries Lafayette Group, more specifically the subsidiaries and Companies belonging to the Galeries Lafayette Group, which consists of:

o Société Anonyme des Galeries Lafayette 

o BHV Exploitation 

o 1001 Listes 

o Louis Pion Royal Quartz 

o GUERIN Joaillerie 

o Bazar Chic 

o Instant Luxe 

o Galeries Lafayette DEUTSCHLAND



Your personal data may only be transmitted to our commercial partners, more specifically the companies operating the product and service brands offered for sale in Galeries Lafayette stores and on our website, if you give your consent, or in order for said data to be processed in the same way and for the same purpose for which you had already granted us permission.

Our commercial partners are not authorised to use your data for any purpose other than that indicated at the time of collection.


Your personal data may be transmitted to external suppliers who process it on our behalf, in line with our instructions, particularly in terms of online payment, shipping of deliveries, publicity, IT systems security, or for statistical or survey purposes.

The transmission of your data to third parties is supervised in order to ensure the security of your data.

Specifically, these include third party companies providing support services, financial establishments, entities combatting fraud, providers of technological, logistical, transport and delivery services, customer services and/or services analysing transactions carried out in Galeries Lafayette stores or on our websites in order to offer customers the guarantees necessary for commercial operations.


In order to fulfil our legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations, or respond to requests from judicial and administrative authorities, we may be required to communicate your data to these authorities when legally obliged to do so.


We may also share data which is deemed to be anonymised or aggregated with third parties, for statistical purposes. These third parties will not be able to identify you in any way.


Your personal data is processed and stored on servers located in the European Union. However, it is possible that this data may occasionally be transferred to a subcontractor whose servers are located in a third country to the European Union.

If necessary, we will inform you of this and we will take all necessary steps to ensure the security of your data and the respect of legal and regulatory obligations. In particular, we assure you that it will be protected in the same way as if they were used within the European Union.



We retain your data for the duration of our commercial relationship and, in all cases, for the time necessitated by the reason for its processing.

The length of time for which we require your data varies in accordance with the type of personal data that you have provided and the purpose for which you communicated it to us.

Regardless of how long your data is retained, it will no longer be used to send you special offers by email or SMS beyond three years after your last interaction with us, that is to say either:



Your data may be used in the execution of our contractual relationships, either because you have given your express consent, to protect and guarantee our legitimate interests or to fulfil a legal obligation.

However, you have the right to access, transfer, rectify or erase your data at any time, or to limit its processing. You can exercise this right:

  1. directly through your customer account: When you log in you your customer account on our website, you can always verify and update your personal details by accessing this service on the page “MY ACCOUNT” > “MY PERSONAL DETAILS” > “AMEND”. The information recorded on your account is stored until this account is deleted, unless your data is no longer necessary to the provision of services.
  2. directly in-store: If you do not have a customer account on our site but you are a member of the “Mes Galeries” loyalty scheme, you can ask a member of staff to verify or update the details we hold about you on our computer system. 
  3. by email or letter: You can exercise your right to access, transfer, rectify or erase your personal data under the legally and regulatorily stipulated conditions by making a request in writing to: GALERIES LAFAYETTE – Correspondant CNIL – TSA 23 000 44-48 rue Châteaudun – 75009 PARIS or by emailing: [email protected].

You can also oppose the processing and storage of your personal data in our files, on legitimate grounds.

You have the right to oppose the use of your personal data for marketing purposes without justifying the legitimate grounds. If you have given us permission to use your data, for example in order to send you newsletters, you can withdraw this permission at any time.

If, for any reason, you consider our response to be unsatisfactory, you can make a complaint to CNIL (The National Commission on Information Technology and Civil Liberties), which is responsible for overseeing the protection of personal data within French territory.



7.1 General Principle

We take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal data and prevent all destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure of or intrusion or non-authorised access to this data, whether accidental or illicit.

7.2 Security of transactions

We pay close attention to questions concerning the security of payments online and in-store. Encryption is an essential measure for ensuring a high level of security for transactions on our site. We have adopted the SSL encryption process to protect all data associated with personal details and means of payment.

In all secure areas in which the URL address of begins with https:// (“s” standing for secure), information is encrypted and therefore protected prior to its transfer via internet. Your bank details are encrypted and transmitted in a completely secure environment to our bank, Crédit Mutuel. They are never stored.

What’s more, using the SIPS system from the company OGONE, a partner of Galeries Lafayette, your bank card number is never transmitted online without being encoded using SSL encryption. You can therefore make purchases in total security.

7.3 Management of security loopholes

We have implemented a procedure for the prevention, management and remediation of security loopholes and notification of personal data breaches in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions. This procedure enables us to deal effectively with any vulnerabilities and potential breaches regarding personal data.

In the case of a personal data breach, we undertake to inform the relevant authorities, that is to say the CNIL, as quickly as possible, if possible no more than 72 hours after having learnt of it, if the breach in question is likely to create a risk to rights and liberties.

We are also committed to informing you, as soon as possible, if this breach is likely to create a high risk in terms of your rights and liberties. We will also inform you of the measures taken to remediate the breach of your data, including measures to minimise its consequences.


We may have to amend this privacy policy. If any of these amendments are liable to lead to a reduction in your rights, we will inform you directly using the contact method you provided to us.


If you have any questions, you can contact our customer service department, which can be reached:

– by phone on +33 (0) (standard rate call from Monday to Saturday 9:00 to 19:00)

– by email to [email protected].

The Galeries Lafayette Group has also appointed a data protection officer. The latter can be contacted by emailing [email protected] and is responsible for handling the following subjects:

– making a complaint

– questions concerning this Data Protection Policy and confidentiality


10.1 What is a “cookie”?

Cookies are files installed on your device (computer, mobile or tablet) when you visit a website or view and advert. Their purpose is to collect information regarding your browsing habits and offer you services and products appropriate to your device and your interests.

Cookies found on the site have a maximum lifespan of thirteen months.

When you visit our website for the first time, cookies may be installed, depending on the cookie preferences you have expressed.

Certain cookies, known as “functional cookies” are automatically installed as they are required in order to provide the service. These cookies do not require prior consent.

We will inform you of the installation of these cookies via the information bar displayed on the page visited. This informs you that by continuing to browse without changing your settings, you consent to the installation of all cookies.

If you wish to configure cookie installation, you are invited to click on the link to access settings.

Your choices are not fixed and can be modified at any time by adjusting your cookie settings.

10.2 What information do Galeries Lafayette cookies collect?

Cookies register and/or read files in order to obtain information regarding your interaction with the site, in particular your browsing habits and behaviour: your IP address, pages visited, brands you are interested in, purchases made, etc.

To this end, subject to your agreement and/or device settings, Galeries Lafayette collects and processes all or some of the following information:

> Information concerning the device used:

– Type of device used (Smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.)

– Operating system of your device (Mac OS, iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry etc.);

– Types and versions of plug-in on your device;

– Your internet service provider (Orange, SFR, Bouygues, Free, etc.);

– Browser used (Safari, Chrome, Internet explorer, etc.);

– The advertising ID associated with your device’s operating system;

– The IP address of your device;

– Geolocation data for your device;

– Your language preferences.

> Information on your browsing habits on the site:

– Statistics on visits to various pages of our site (such as category of goods or services present on the pages visited, time spent on the latter, etc.);

– The full URL pathway to, via and from our site ;

– Confirmation that any sales, marketing or notification emails we may send you have been received and read, subject to your prior consent, if required.

> Information about you

– Age or age range,

– gender,

– Stated or assumed socio-professional category,

– Assumed interests, based on your activity online or on the site (depending on pages visited, products viewed, searches made, etc.)

10.3 What information do cookies installed by our partners collect?

Due to the fact that there are third party applications embedded in our site, some cookies may be installed by our Partners. The transmission and use of cookies by these Partners is subject to the data protection policy of these Partners.



> Advertising or audience measurement cookies:

We may include applications from our partners allowing the display of targeted adverts, based on your interests, as well as applications that enable us to gather statistics and measure the audience and traffic on our site.

We recommend that you consult the data protection policies of these partners in order to understand the purpose for which browsing information they collect using these cookies is used, in particular advertising.

> Social network cookies:

We may include applications from partners that enable you to share content from our site with others, let others know you have visited our site or give your opinion on the content of the site . This is particularly the case for “Share” and “Like” buttons from social networks such as “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “Instagram”, etc.

The social network providing such buttons may use the button to identify you, even if you do not use this button when visiting our site. In effect, this type of button enables the social network in question to monitor your visit to the site, simply by having an account with the relevant social network active on your device (open session) while visiting our site.

We have no control over the mechanisms used by our partners to collect information regarding your browsing habits on our site and the personal data available to them. We recommend that you consult the data protection policies of these social networks in order to understand the purpose for which browsing information they may collect by means of these buttons is used, in particular advertising.

10.4 How do I manage cookies?

There are several ways of managing cookies. Any changes you make to cookie settings may have an impact on your browsing experience and access to certain services that require the use of cookies.

You can change your cookie preferences at any time, using the methods described below.

You can configure the browser on each of your devices in order to install cookies or, on the contrary, reject them, either routinely or according to their source. You can also configure your browser so that you will be asked to accept or reject cookies before they can be installed on your device, on every occasion. For further information, see “How to make your choices, according to the browser you use” section below.

The installation of a cookie on a device is essentially subject to the preferences of the user, which the latter can express and change free of charge at any time using the options available in the browser of said device.

If, in your browser settings, you have accepted the installation of cookies on your device, cookies embedded in the pages and content that you have visited may be temporarily stored in a designated space. They can only be read by the issuing party.

If you refuse to install Cookies on your device, or if you delete those that had been installed previously, you will no longer be able to use certain features, which are required in order to browse some sections of our site. Such would be the case if you attempted to access content or services that require you to identify yourself. This would also be the case where we- and/or our partners – are unable to recognize the type of browser used by your device, the language and display settings or the country in which your device appears to be connected to the internet, due to technical compatibility issues.

Where relevant, we assume no responsibility for any consequences resulting from the reduced functionality of our services as a result of the inability to consult cookies necessary to their proper functioning, if you have rejected or deleted the latter.

In terms of managing cookies and preferences, each browser is configured differently. The process is described in the help menu of your browser, which will tell you how to modify your cookie preferences.

– On Internet Explorer™:

– On Safari™:

– On Chrome™:

– On Firefox™:

– On Opera™:, etc.

– Name of cookie used: _ga

– Type of cookie: audience measurement cookie

You can prevent the installation and use of this cookie on your device by visiting

You can delete all cookies, or just those of your choice. Deleting cookies does not prevent you from browsing, or cookies from being reinstalled while you browse. This allows you to manage your browser’s cookie library at any time. The technical cookies, required in order to browse, will be reinstalled if you visit the site again.

Below, we explain the steps to follow for each browser.


> In the Chrome menu, select “Settings”

> Show advanced settings

> Go to the “Privacy” section

> Click on “Content Settings”

> In the “cookies” section (first paragraph), click on “Cookies and site data”

> Find the cookies that you wish to delete and click “OK”. You can also choose to delete all cookies.


> In the Firefox menu, go to “Tools” then “Options”

> In the “Privacy Settings” tab, click on “Show all Cookies”

> Find the Cookies that you wish to delete and click “OK”.

Internet Explorer

> Internet explorer does not allow you to manage cookies on a case by case basis. To delete all cookies:

> Click on “Tools”, then on “Internet Options”

> In the “General” tab, under “Browsing History”, click “Delete”

> Tick the “Cookies” box then click “Delete”


> In the Safari menu, select “Preferences”

> In the window that opens, go to the “Security” tab

> Click “Show Cookies”

> In the window that opens, find and select the cookies that you wish to delete and click “Delete”

The “Private Browsing” mode offered by all browsers today allows users to browse the web without saving a history of pages visited or downloads. In terms of cookies, any that are installed during your browsing session will be erased when you close your browser. Therefore, it is not a means of refusing cookies, but their lifespan will be limited to the length of your browsing session.

If you do not want us:

– To collect Data on your browsing habits;

– In cases where you registered via a special marketing campaign, to be able to identify the campaign under which you registered, you may choose below to deactivate all third-party cookies that are not required in order to browse the site.

In this case, we will save a cookie on your device with the sole purpose of deactivating the installation of these cookies on your device. This cookie will remain valid for thirteen months.

Please note, processing this request relies on a cookie. If you delete all cookies installed on your device (via your browser), neither we nor our partners will know that you have selected this option.

You can visit the site Youronlinechoices, provided by digital marketing professionals belonging to the EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.

This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and represents a centralised interface for rejecting or accepting cookies used in order to make adverts relevant to your habits when browsing using your device

Please note that this procedure will not prevent adverts from being displayed on websites you visit. It only blocks the technologies used to target advertising according to your interests.


Galeries Lafayette vous remercient pour votre participation !

Vous serez contactés en septembre à l’ouverture des inscriptions. Celle-ci vous permet de participer automatiquement au tirage au sort, mais l’inscription ne garantit aucunement une place à l’événement.

Galeries Lafayette vous remercie pour votre participation !

Cette inscription ne garantit aucunement une place à l’événement. Les gagnants seront contactés directement par email ou par téléphone dans les prochains jours.