Quiet and peaceful book store in Paris

librairie At Galeries Lafayette, we ALSO have a bookshop! Calling all Enthusiastic readers and books lovers!

A reading break in Paris, under the Dome

Located on the 6th floor of the Lafayette Dome, the bookshop invites visitors to step into a bright and inviting environment, stocking everything you’d expect from a general bookshop!

Love a good read? A comfortable space awaits you: from manga to crime fiction, there’s something to suit all tastes. Fiction, non-fiction, art and photography, children’s books and comics as well as tourist guides. The wide selection on offer in our bookshop means you’ll not only find the latest best-sellers but also the great classics!

A dynamic bookshop awaits

Our advisors are committed to providing advice and information to our customers, who can also take advantage of our ordering service for any special requests with an 8 hour delivery service (if the book is available from the publisher). At the bookshop you also have the chance to meet lots of authors! The bookshop is brought to life by visits from authors who come along for book-signings and to meet their readers.

Come and have a look around the 6th floor of Coupole, you’re sure to find a bit of happiness up there!


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